Arrived to pick up won car, but its condition does not match the description or the provided images? Take photos or videos of unmarked defects, and simply send them to us [email protected] and we fully refund auction fee paid for the car.
Pirmas savininkas Lietuvoje. Perkant buvo tikrinta su dažų storio matuokliu, rasta, kad buvo dažytas tik vienas priekinis sparnas. 8 metus važiavus Lietuvoje, nesupuvus, nesurūdijus. Naudojama buvo kiekvieną dieną, tačiau įsigytas kitas automobilis. Visas žiemas kūrėsi be problemų, didelių remontų neturėjus, tepalai ir filtrai keisti kas 12000 km.
3 raktų komplektai. Nusipirkus buvo sumontuota signalizacija, pakeistas pagrindinio diržo komplektas.
Nei karto nepavedė, didelių investicijų nereikalavo, šiuo metu su žieminėmis padangomis. Pagrindinis pliusas- beveik dviejų metų technikinė iki 2026m rugsėjo mėnesio.
Yra atsarginis ratas. Palieku Yatour, tai bus galima pasijungti usb ir leisti muzika mp3 formatu.
The first owner in Lithuania. At the time of purchase, it was checked with a paint thickness gauge, and it was found that only one front fender was painted. After driving in Lithuania for 8 years, it has not rotted or rusted. It was used every day, but another car was purchased. All winters were built without problems, without major repairs, oil and filters are changed every 12,000 km.
3 sets of keys. An alarm system was installed after purchase, and the main belt assembly was replaced.
It has never failed, did not require large investments, currently with winter tires. The main plus is almost two years of technical training until September 2026.
There is a spare wheel. I leave Yatour, it will be possible to connect usb and play music in mp3 format.
Damage/defect description (body, interior, other)
Praktiškai visos kėbulo dalys turi smulkių defektų- pabraižymų, smulkių įlenkimų nuo šalia stovinčių automobilių smūgių durelėmis ir panašiai.
Per eksploatavimo metus turėtos kelios smulkios avarijos, kurios apsiribodavo priekinio bamperio apibraižymu. Vieną kartą jis buvo perdažytas.
Kartais užsidega klaida dėl EGR, trauka nedingsta, po kelių dienų važiavo užgęsta.
Nuo centrinio neužsirakina galinės vairuotojo pusės durelės, tenka ranka užrakint.
Pasilupęs vairas, pavarų svirties sijonėlio medžiaga, viena vidinė rankena.
Kai pirkau mašina, buvau perspėtas, kad netolimoje ateityje reikės pasikeisti sankabą, bet su ja atvažinėjau 8 metus. Bėgiai mėtosi, bet lygiai taip pat galiu pasakyti, kad sankaba pavargus ir kažkada ją reikės pasikeisti. Persėdus iš mašinos su tvarkinga sankaba skirtumas jaučiasi.
Nukritus lubų medžiaga, o defektas "išspręstas" su smeigtukais.
Trūksta vieno rato gaubto.
Practically all parts of the body have small defects - scratches, small dents from the door impacts of cars parked nearby and the like.
During the years of operation, there were several minor accidents, which were limited to scratching the front bumper. It was repainted once.
Sometimes an error due to EGR lights up, traction does not disappear, after a few days of driving it goes out.
The rear driver's side door does not lock from the central one, it has to be locked by hand.
Peeled steering wheel, shifter skirt material, one inside handle.
When I bought the car, I was warned that the clutch would need to be replaced in the near future, but I drove it for 8 years. The gears are throwing up, but I can just as well tell that the clutch is tired and will need to be replaced at some point. When switching from a car with a neat clutch, you can feel the difference.
When the ceiling material falls, the defect is "solved" with pins.
One wheel cover is missing.
Maintenance, repair description
Tepalai ir visi filtrai buvo keičiami kas 12000 km. Prieš gerus 5 metus buvo keistas EGR, vienas priekinis žibintas (nes reguliatorius ar kažkas panašaus sulūžo). Prieš porą mėnesių pakeistas vienas guolis. Kelis kartus buvo remontuota važiuoklė.
Lubricants and all filters were changed every 12,000 km. A good 5 years ago it had a weird EGR, one headlight (because the regulator or something broke). One bearing was replaced a couple of months ago. The chassis was repaired several times.
By confirming the bid I commit to purchase the vehicle in case of winning (except for cases when not described/hidden defects are identified) and I take responsibility for consequences of false bidding.