Arrived to pick up won car, but its condition does not match the description or the provided images? Take photos or videos of unmarked defects, and simply send them to us [email protected] and we fully refund auction fee paid for the car.
Iš esmės viskas matosi foto. Ratai R20 su geromis, beveik naujomis michelin padangomis. Vien ratai su padangomis verti bent 1k eu.
Automobilis laukia remonto, jeigu nebus parduotas, bus tvarkomas pilnai. Kurti nebandytas, bet pagal carfax po avarijos draudimas fiksavo ridą, tai spėju, kad gyvybė bus. Garantijos aišku nėra. Kaip suprantu buvo avarija, po kurios išbėgo degalai, ir užsidegė, tačiau buvo greitai užgesintas. Apdegęs pats variklio viršus, plastikinės dalys, tačiau kebulas turėtų būti be defektų, išskyrus po galine sedyne. Per angą kur pasijungia degalų siurblkys matosi pasilydžiusi degalų žarnelė, bet pagal foto dugnas daugiau mažiau tvarkoje, tik dugno apsaugų defektai.
Kadangi automobilis nevažiuojantis, tai apie būklę daug informacijos pateikti nesigauna.
Neesu perpardavėjas, galvojau kad nupirkau labai pigiai, tačiau matau kad nemažai remonto reiks. Ieškau automobilio asmeniniam naudojimui - dujinio ir pigesnio, todėl šitą linkęs parduoti.
Basically everything is visible in the photo. Wheels R20 with good, almost new Michelin tires. The wheels with tires alone are worth at least 1k eu.
The car is waiting for repairs, if it is not sold, it will be fully serviced. It has not been tested, but according to the carfax after the accident, the insurance recorded the mileage, so I guess it will last. There is obviously no warranty. As I understand it, there was an accident, after which the fuel ran out and caught fire, but it was quickly extinguished. The very top of the engine is burned, plastic parts, but the body should be without defects, except under the rear seat. Through the hole where the fuel pump connects, you can see a melted fuel hose, but according to the photo, the bottom is more or less in order, only the bottom protection is defective.
Since the car is not running, it is not possible to provide much information about its condition.
I am not a reseller, I thought I bought it very cheaply, but I see that it will need a lot of repairs. I am looking for a car for personal use - gas and cheaper, so I am inclined to sell this one.
Damage/defect description (body, interior, other)
Degęs variklio skyrius
Apdegusi/išsilydžiusi degalų žarnelė ateinanti į degalų baką.
Link variklio pastumtas priekinis bamperio balkis, kondicionieriaus radiatorius ir ausinimo skyscio radiatorius tusti.
Sulaužytas priekinis bamperis, trūksta vairuotojo pusės grotelių.
Žibintas nuotraukoje yra su nulūžusiais laikikliais, tačiau turėtų nesunkiai susilituoti, vairuotojo pusės irgi yra, tačiau jam planuoju keisti korpusą, nes laikikliai nulūžę ir labiau apgadinti. Galėsiu duoti nuorodą kur nupirkti korpusą pakeitimui.
Variklis nebandytas kurti, tai loterija ar bus tvarkoje ar visgi reiks kažką tvarkyti.
Burnt engine compartment
Burnt/melted fuel hose leading to the fuel tank.
The front bumper beam, air conditioning radiator and coolant radiator are pushed towards the engine.
The front bumper is broken, the driver's side grille is missing.
The headlight in the photo has broken brackets, but it should be easy to solder, the driver's side also has it, but I plan to replace the housing because the brackets are broken and more damaged. I can give you a link to where to buy a replacement housing.
The engine hasn't been tested, so it's a lottery whether it will be in order or if it will still need some maintenance.
Maintenance, repair description
Yra nupirktos beveik visos apdegę dalys variklio skyriuje (išskyrus plastikus): laidynas, babinos, purkštukai, aukšto slėgio siurblys, degalų padavimas ir aušinimo skysčio šlangos aplink variklį. Pirkau nuo perkaitinto variklio, nuo tokio paties F-Pace. Taip pat yra bamperis su grotelėmis pagrindinėmis, bei aušinimo skysčio bakelis.
Almost all the burnt parts in the engine compartment (except plastics) have been bought: wiring, coils, injectors, high-pressure pump, fuel supply and coolant hoses around the engine. I bought it from an overheated engine, from the same F-Pace. There is also a bumper with the main grille, and a coolant tank.
By confirming the bid I commit to purchase the vehicle in case of winning (except for cases when not described/hidden defects are identified) and I take responsibility for consequences of false bidding.