Gan tvarkingas coupe prasantis meilės, variklis tepalu nedegina tad nereik dapilinet, sportine vaziuokle is gamyklos, idetas short shift, ilgai labai neturiu bet del isvykimo tenka parduot lempos ledai sudeti tai mirksi kartais angelai sudeti, yra galimybe prisijungti posūkio funkcija, duju patikra dar ilgam tehas iki spalio, greitu metu bus uzvirintas reduktorius jei nespėsiu tai pridesiu tepalu reduktoriui, pardavus pridesiu gan tvarkinga sparna keleivio puses su mazai rudziu tik sidabrini, org ismetima su 1 antgaliu bei kolektorium,kataliko jame taipogi nera, org buferi galini melynos spalvos,
Quite a neat coupe asking for love, the engine doesn't burn oil so no need to paint, sports chassis from the factory, short shift installed, I haven't had it for a long time but due to leaving I have to sell the lamps, the ice is added, it flashes sometimes, the angels are added, there is an option to connect the turn signal function, the gas check is still a long way off until October, the gearbox will be welded soon, if I don't have time, I will add oil to the gearbox, after selling I will add a fairly neat wing on the passenger side with a little rust, only silver, org exhaust with 1 nozzle and collector, there is no Catholic in it either, org rear bumpers are blue in color,
Damage/defect description (body, interior, other)
Kebulo defektai yra rudeliu, padaryta sklende blogai, dirba tik ant duju, lambda zondas nutrauktas laidas, vairuotojo puses priekį slenkstis supuves kiti dar normaliai laikosi, akumo vieta laikosi bet prasosi tvarkymo, neveikia tik keleivio sedynes sildymas, autopilotas neveikia, salonas yra iplyse bet tvarkingas dar gan, neveikia atmintis, dega langu skysčio lemputė turbut sensorius parejes, stabdziai yra tik laidai neprijungti, uzsikuria tik is 2 karto kol saltas del benzo turbut problemos, kulysa ismalta, durys neatsidaro is lauko bet is vidaus viskas puikiai. Buvo minimalus bum i piriekini sparna tai siektiek aptvarkyta kad butu galima važiuot nuotrauka pridedu posūkio lempa jei spėsiu nupirksiu ir pakeisiu. Sukant i kaire keistas garsas atsiranda gal kokia traukė pasižeide
Body defects are brown, the flap is poorly made, it only works on gas, the lambda probe wire is broken, the driver's side front sill is rotten, the rest is still holding up normally, the battery compartment is holding up but needs maintenance, only the passenger seat heating does not work, the autopilot does not work, the interior is cracked but still quite tidy, the memory does not work, the window fluid light is on, the sensor must have passed, the brakes are just the wires not connected, it only locks up twice when cold, probably due to a problem with the gas, the steering wheel is broken, the door does not open from the outside but everything is fine from the inside. There was a minimal bump in the rear wing, so it is repaired enough to be able to drive, I am attaching a photo of the turn signal lamp, if I can, I will buy it and replace it. When turning left, there is a strange sound, maybe some kind of rod is damaged
By confirming the bid I commit to purchase the vehicle in case of winning (except for cases when not described/hidden defects are identified) and I take responsibility for consequences of false bidding.